Category:Use Cases

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Revision as of 10:58, 13 October 2023 by Eschmidt (talk | contribs)
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Page schema
Form: Use Cases
CreateTitle New Use Case
EditTitle Edit Use Case
Template: Use Cases
format sections
Field: Use Cases Category
Label Category
Form input
Input type checkboxes
values from category Use Cases Category
Semantic property
Type Page
Field: Year
Form input
Input type year
Semantic property
Type Date
Field: Location
Form input
Input type text
placeholder e.g. Paderborn, Germany
City and country.
Semantic property
Type Text
Field: Event type
Label Hazard
Form input
Input type text with autocomplete
values from category Event type
placeholder Start typing to see suggestions. Add multiple by pressing Enter after each.
e.g., earthquake, flood
Semantic property
Type Page
Field: Scale
Form input
Input type radiobutton
values from category Use cases scale
Leave at "none" if you don't know the answer.
Semantic property
Type Page
Field: SM event detection time
Label What is the overall timeframe of the use case?
Form input
Input type radiobutton
values Less than 3 days, 1 to 3 days, More than 3 days
Leave at "none" if you don't know the answer.
Semantic property
Type Text
Field: Description
Label Brief summary
Form input
Input type textarea
maxlength 200
placeholder A short summary of the Use Case (200 characters max).
Required. This text will also appear in the list of all use cases.
Semantic property
Type Text
Field: Type
Label Theme
Form input
Input type checkboxes
values from category Use Case Type
Which general theme did the Use Case cover?
Semantic property
Type Page
Field: Disaster Management Phase
Form input
Input type checkboxes
values from category Disaster Management Phase
Semantic property
Type Page
Field: Vulnerable Groups
Form input
Input type text with autocomplete
values from category Vulnerable Groups
placeholder Start typing to see suggestions. Add multiple by pressing Enter after each.
Semantic property
Type Page
Field: Used technologies
Label Which social media and crowdsourcing technologies were used?
Form input
Input type textarea with autocomplete
values from category Disaster Community Technology
placeholder Start typing to see suggestions. Add multiple by pressing Enter after each.
Semantic property
Type Page
Field: Developed technology
Label Was a technology specifically developed for this use case?
Form input
Input type radiobutton
values yes,no
Leave at "none" if you don't know the answer.
Semantic property
Type Keyword
Field: Used guidelines
Label Which guidelines were used?
Form input
Input type text with autocomplete
values from category Guideline
placeholder Click here to see the full list. You can add multiple.
Semantic property
Type Page
Field: Used platforms
Label Which Social Media Platforms were used?
Form input
Input type text with autocomplete
values from category Social media platform
placeholder Start typing to see suggestions. Add multiple by pressing Enter after each.
Semantic property
Type Page
Field: Used hashtags
Label Which hashtags or keywords were used (if applicable)?
Form input
Input type text with autocomplete
placeholder Start typing to see suggestions. Add multiple by pressing Enter after each.
e.g., #covid #tornado
Semantic property
Type Text
Field: Other images
Label Images
Form input
Input type tokens
The images you upload will appear on the Use Case's profile. Mind the copyright.
Semantic property
Type Text
Field: Long description
Label Description
Form input
Input type textarea
editor visualeditor
placeholder A more detailed description of the Use Case.
If you would like to extend the brief summary, you can do so here.
Semantic property
Type Text
Field: SMCS usage problems solving
Label What was the overall goal of the Use Case?
Form input
Input type textarea
Semantic property
Type Text
Field: Use cases thematic
Label Which thematics are closest to the goal of the Use Case?
Form input
Input type checkboxes
values from category Use cases thematic
Semantic property
Type Page
Field: Limitations
Label What limitations were identified?
Form input
Input type textarea
e.g., regulatory hurdles
Semantic property
Type Text
Field: Worked well
Label What worked well and could be recommended to others?
Form input
Input type textarea
Semantic property
Type Text
Field: Additional links
Label Links for further reading
Form input
Input type tokens
Important tweets, sources, articles, photos, videos, etc.
Semantic property
Type URL
Field: Publishing Organisation
Form input
Input type text
Semantic property
Type Page
Field: Involved Organisations
Form input
Input type tokens
Semantic property
Type Page

This category uses the form Use Cases.