Category: Use Cases
From LINKS Community Center
Page schema | |
Form: Use Cases | |
CreateTitle | New Use Case |
EditTitle | Edit Use Case |
Template: Use Cases | |
format | sections |
Field: Use Cases Category | |
List | |
Label | Category |
Semantic property | |
Type | Page |
Form input | |
Input type | checkboxes |
values from category | Use Cases Category |
Field: Year | |
Semantic property | |
Type | Date |
Form input | |
Input type | year |
Field: Location | |
Semantic property | |
Type | Text |
Form input | |
Input type | text |
placeholder | e.g. Paderborn, Germany |
City and country. | |
Field: Event type | |
List | |
Label | Hazard |
Semantic property | |
Type | Page |
Form input | |
Input type | text with autocomplete |
values from category | Event type |
placeholder | Start typing to see suggestions. Add multiple by pressing Enter after each. |
e.g., earthquake, flood | |
Field: Scale | |
Semantic property | |
Type | Page |
Form input | |
Input type | radiobutton |
values from category | Use cases scale |
Leave at "none" if you don't know the answer. | |
Field: SM event detection time | |
Label | What is the overall timeframe of the use case? |
Semantic property | |
Type | Text |
Form input | |
Input type | radiobutton |
values | Less than 3 days, 1 to 3 days, More than 3 days |
Leave at "none" if you don't know the answer. | |
Field: Description | |
Label | Brief summary |
Semantic property | |
Type | Text |
Form input | |
Input type | textarea |
mandatory | |
maxlength | 200 |
placeholder | A short summary of the Use Case (200 characters max). |
Required. This text will also appear in the list of all use cases. | |
Field: Type | |
List | |
Label | Theme |
Semantic property | |
Type | Page |
Form input | |
Input type | checkboxes |
values from category | Use Case Type |
Which general theme did the Use Case cover? | |
Field: Disaster Management Phase | |
List | |
Semantic property | |
Type | Page |
Form input | |
Input type | checkboxes |
values from category | Disaster Management Phase |
Field: Vulnerable Groups | |
List | |
Semantic property | |
Type | Page |
Form input | |
Input type | text with autocomplete |
values from category | Vulnerable Groups |
placeholder | Start typing to see suggestions. Add multiple by pressing Enter after each. |
Field: Used technologies | |
List | |
Label | Which social media and crowdsourcing technologies were used? |
Semantic property | |
Type | Page |
Form input | |
Input type | textarea with autocomplete |
values from category | Disaster Community Technology |
placeholder | Start typing to see suggestions. Add multiple by pressing Enter after each. |
Field: Developed technology | |
Label | Was a technology specifically developed for this use case? |
Semantic property | |
Type | Keyword |
Form input | |
Input type | radiobutton |
values | yes,no |
Leave at "none" if you don't know the answer. | |
Field: Used guidelines | |
List | |
Label | Which guidelines were used? |
Semantic property | |
Type | Page |
Form input | |
Input type | text with autocomplete |
values from category | Guideline |
placeholder | Click here to see the full list. You can add multiple. |
Field: Used platforms | |
List | |
Label | Which Social Media Platforms were used? |
Semantic property | |
Type | Page |
Form input | |
Input type | text with autocomplete |
values from category | Social media platform |
placeholder | Start typing to see suggestions. Add multiple by pressing Enter after each. |
Field: Used hashtags | |
List | |
Label | Which hashtags or keywords were used (if applicable)? |
Semantic property | |
Type | Text |
Form input | |
Input type | text with autocomplete |
placeholder | Start typing to see suggestions. Add multiple by pressing Enter after each. |
e.g., #covid #tornado | |
Field: Other images | |
List | |
Label | Images |
Semantic property | |
Type | Text |
Form input | |
Input type | tokens |
The images you upload will appear on the Use Case's profile. Mind the copyright. | |
Field: Long description | |
Label | Description |
Semantic property | |
Type | Text |
Form input | |
Input type | textarea |
autogrow | |
editor | visualeditor |
placeholder | A more detailed description of the Use Case. |
If you would like to extend the brief summary, you can do so here. | |
Field: SMCS usage problems solving | |
Label | What was the overall goal of the Use Case? |
Semantic property | |
Type | Text |
Form input | |
Input type | textarea |
autogrow | |
Field: Use cases thematic | |
List | |
Label | Which thematics are closest to the goal of the Use Case? |
Semantic property | |
Type | Page |
Form input | |
Input type | checkboxes |
mandatory | |
values from category | Use cases thematic |
Field: Limitations | |
List | |
Label | What limitations were identified? |
Semantic property | |
Type | Text |
Form input | |
Input type | textarea |
autogrow | |
e.g., regulatory hurdles | |
Field: Worked well | |
Label | What worked well and could be recommended to others? |
Semantic property | |
Type | Text |
Form input | |
Input type | textarea |
autogrow | |
Field: Additional links | |
List | |
Label | Links for further reading |
Semantic property | |
Type | URL |
Form input | |
Input type | tokens |
Important tweets, sources, articles, photos, videos, etc. | |
Field: Publishing Organisation | |
Semantic property | |
Type | Page |
Form input | |
Input type | text |
Field: Involved Organisations | |
List | |
Semantic property | |
Type | Page |
Form input | |
Input type | tokens |
This category uses the form Use Cases.
Pages in category "Use Cases"
The following 30 pages are in this category, out of 30 total.