From LINKS Community Center
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Quick Facts

Publishing Organisation:
Veiligheidsregio Midden- en West-Brabant
Primary Target Country:
Covers Thematic
  • Community management Community Management in Social Media is the active component of interacting with your community of followers, fans and target audience across your social media platforms. This includes active listening, which is an important element of engaging with your followers to understand their wants and needs regarding your services.</br></br>Source:
  • Crisis communication Crisis communication is a strategic approach to corresponding with people and organizations during a disruptive event. When a crisis occurs, proactive, quick and detailed communication is critical.</br></br></br>Source:
  • Social Media Strategy A social media strategy is a document outlining your social media goals, the tactics you will use to achieve them and the metrics you will track to measure your progress</br></br>Source:
  • Target audience
  • Policy Makers local, national, and European agencies and institutes, public authorities, standardization bodies
  • Practitioners Practitioners is a target group in LINKS which comprises local, national and European disaster management organizations, civil protection agencies, first responders, NGOs, security networks...
  • Audience experience level
  • Intermediate Those who currently use social media to communicate with the public and have developed a draft social media strategy, even if this is not thoroughly documented or communicated across the organisation</br></br>Source:
  • Disaster Management Phase
  • Before Comprises 'Preparedness Phase' and 'Prevention Phase'</br></br>Preparedness action is carried out within the context of disaster risk management and aims to build the capacities needed to efficiently manage all types of emergencies and achieve orderly transitions from response to sustained recovery.</br></br>Source:</br></br>Prevention (i.e., disaster prevention) expresses the concept and intention to completely avoid potential adverse impacts of hazardous events.</br></br>Source:
  • Synopsis

    No synopsis provided.

    Linked to

    Dit adviesplan presenteert de social media strategie die bijdraagt aan de drie pijlers waar Veiligheidsregio Midden- en West-Brabant voor staat:

    • 1. Het stimuleren van een weerbare samenleving
    • 2. Bijdragen aan een veilige leefomgevin
    • 3. Het leveren van een behulpzame en daadkrachtige inzet

    This advisory plan presents the social media strategy that contributes to the three pillars that Security Region Midden- en West Brabant stands for:

    • 1. Stimulating a resilient society
    • 2. Contributing to a safe living environment
    • 3. Providing a helpful and decisive effort