Property: Has description

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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Create multiple user accounts for your organisation  +
Show metrics of different social networks to assess the performance (e.g. user engagement, growth rate, and number of active users)  +
Export a report as a PDF document  +
Configure custom permissions per account  +
local, national, and European agencies and institutes, public authorities, standardization bodies  +
Posting involves creating and publishing content on social media platforms, while scheduling refers to planning and setting specific dates and times for content to be published.  +
Show metrics about posts to assess the performance (e.g., number of likes, number of comments, reached users)  +
Post time optimization is about finding the best times to post on social media to engage with the audience, using personalized algorithms and performance metrics.  +
Post content on social media  +
Practitioners is a target group in LINKS which comprises local, national and European disaster management organizations, civil protection agencies, first responders, NGOs, security networks...  +
Provide predefined templates for creating reports  +
Show metrics of profiles/sites to assess the performance (e.g. number of followers, page views, and unique visitors)  +
Reports refer to the creation of documents that involve analyzing data, creating visuals, summarizing text, formatting, and distributing to relevant audiences.  +
research institutions and scientific communities  +
Schedule posting to social media at a specific date/time  +
Search and monitor is the process of using search functions (e.g. keywords or hashtags) to find specific data and monitoring social media to analyze user-generated content.  +
Analyse the sentiment (emotional tone) behind messages to identify (changes in) public opinion.  +
A social media strategy is a document outlining your social media goals, the tactics you will use to achieve them and the metrics you will track to measure your progress '''Source:'''  +
Social Media team building comprises the member's roles and competences, training requirements, as well as financial and organizational prerequisites  +
Those who are not currently using social media, or the current use is based on providing general information and advice to citizens '''Source:'''  +