Operationalizing crowdsourcing through mobile applications for disaster management in India

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Quick Facts

Covers Thematic
  • Crowdsourcing Describes a distributed problem-solving model where the task of solving a challenge or developing an idea get “outsourced” to a crowd. It implies tapping into “the wisdom of the crowd”.</br></br>Source:DRS Glossary v2.0 LINKS 181220.xlsx
  • Technologies Software for interaction with, within or among communities in case of a disaster and for analysis of these interactions
  • Target audience
  • Businesses companies, local business networks, solution providers, suppliers of goods and services
  • Researchers research institutions and scientific communities
  • Audience experience level
  • Advanced Those who currently use social media to communicate with the public during all phases of an emergency and have developed a clear social media strategy, even if this is not thoroughly documented or communicated across the organisation</br></br>Source: https://www.fp7-emergent.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/20170529_D7.3_Guidelines_to_increase_the_benefit_of_social_media_EmerGent.pdf
  • Intermediate Those who currently use social media to communicate with the public and have developed a draft social media strategy, even if this is not thoroughly documented or communicated across the organisation</br></br>Source: https://www.fp7-emergent.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/20170529_D7.3_Guidelines_to_increase_the_benefit_of_social_media_EmerGent.pdf
  • Disaster Management Phase
  • After Also referred to as 'Recovery Phase'</br></br>The restoring or improving of livelihoods and health, as well as economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental assets, systems and activities, of a disaster-affected community or society, aligning with the principles of sustainable development and “build back better”, to avoid or reduce future disaster risk.</br></br>Source: https://www.undrr.org/terminology/recovery
  • Synopsis

    No synopsis provided.

    Linked to

    Analysis of 33 freely available disaster-related, crowdsourced-based mobile apps in India from the perspective of the users. As a result, the paper includes specific suggestions for enhancing community outreach, ensuring user-friendly interface and promoting Global Positioning System ‘GPS’ based apps.