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<noinclude>First version of the LINKS Community Center homepage.<br>
<noinclude>Second version of the LINKS Community Center homepage.<br><strong style="color: red;">Do not modify!</strong></noinclude>
<strong>This version is outdated and no longer developed.</strong></noinclude>
<includeonly><div id="links-homepage">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://api.safety-base.eu/v2/links/homepage/styles.css">
<!-- STYLES END -->
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        <!-- HEADING BEGIN -->
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            <h1 translate="no">
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                <span>Strengthening links between technologies and&nbsp;society for&nbsp;European disaster resilience.</span>
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                        <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
                            <span>User Guidance</span>
                            <span style="font-size: 50%; margin-left: .2em; line-height: 1em;">Navigate through the LINKS<br>Community Center!</span>
        <!-- HEADING END -->
        <!-- MAIN BEGIN -->
        <div id="hp-main">
    <p style="border:3px; border-style:solid; border-color:#FF0000; padding: 1em;">This page displays the current <b>development</b> status of the LINKS Community Center.<br>
            <!-- SNIPPETS BEGIN -->
    Note that, at this stage, the information presented is meant to showcase various features and should <b>not</b> be taken at face value.<br>
            <div id="snippets"></div>
    If you are looking for definitive information on the LINKS project, please visit the <a href="http://links-project.eu">official project website</a>.</p>
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://api.safety-base.eu/v2/links/snippets/styles.css">
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        <p class="display-4">LINKS Community Center</p>
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        <p class="lead">Strengthening links between technologies and&nbsp;society for&nbsp;European disaster resilience.</p>
                    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" style="background-color: var(--links-blue); border-color: var(--links-blue);">
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        <a class="links-button" href="https://links.communitycenter.eu/index.php/Getting_started">
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            <!-- SEARCH END -->
          <span>Getting started</span>
            <!-- AREAS BEGIN -->
            <div class="hp-areas">
                <h2>Social Media and Crowdsourcing Libraries</h2>
    <div class="links-divider"></div>
                <!-- LINK -->
                <a class="hp-area blue" href="https://links.communitycenter.eu/index.php/List_of_Disaster_Community_Technologies">
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          <a class="links-tile" href="https://links.communitycenter.eu/index.php/List_of_Disaster_Community_Technologies">
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            <svg width="59" height="59" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" overflow="hidden"><defs><clipPath id="clip0"><rect x="548" y="548" width="59" height="59"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#clip0)" transform="translate(-548 -548)"><path d="M594.708 584.875 560.292 584.875 560.292 563.979 594.708 563.979 594.708 584.875ZM598.396 562.75C598.396 561.398 597.29 560.292 595.938 560.292L559.062 560.292C557.71 560.292 556.604 561.398 556.604 562.75L556.604 588.562 598.396 588.562 598.396 562.75Z" /><path d="M581.188 591.021 581.188 591.635C581.188 592.004 580.942 592.25 580.573 592.25L574.427 592.25C574.058 592.25 573.812 592.004 573.812 591.635L573.812 591.021 549.229 591.021 549.229 592.25C549.229 593.602 550.335 594.708 551.688 594.708L603.312 594.708C604.665 594.708 605.771 593.602 605.771 592.25L605.771 591.021 581.188 591.021Z" /></g></svg>
            <div class="links-tile-title">Technologies</div>
                        <p>Software for&nbsp;interaction with, within or&nbsp;among communities in&nbsp;case of a&nbsp;disaster and for&nbsp;analysis of&nbsp;these interactions.</p>
                    <div class="hp-area-arrow">&rarr;</div>
                <!-- LINK -->
                <a class="hp-area orange" href="https://links.communitycenter.eu/index.php/List_of_Guidelines">
                    <div class="hp-area-icon">
                        <img src="https://api.safety-base.eu/v2/links/lib?q=2-gl_list.svg">
                    <div class="hp-area-text">
                        <p>Expert guidelines for&nbsp;usage of&nbsp;social media and&nbsp;crowdsourcing in&nbsp;disasters.</p>
                    <div class="hp-area-arrow">&rarr;</div>
                <!-- LINK -->
                <a class="hp-area cyan" href="https://links.communitycenter.eu/index.php/List_of_Use_Cases">
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                        <img src="https://api.safety-base.eu/v2/links/lib?q=3-uc_list.svg">
                    <div class="hp-area-text">
                        <h3>Use Cases</h3>
                        <p>Practical use cases for&nbsp;social media and&nbsp;crowdsourcing in&nbsp;disasters.</p>
                    <div class="hp-area-arrow">&rarr;</div>
                <!-- LINK -->
                <a class="hp-area yellow" href="https://links.communitycenter.eu/index.php/List_of_Crisis_Communication">
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                    <div class="hp-area-text">
                        <h3>Crisis Communication</h3>
                        <p>Recommendations for&nbsp;efficient risk communication in&nbsp;disasters.</p>
                    <div class="hp-area-arrow">&rarr;</div>
            <!-- AREAS END -->
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         <!-- MAIN END -->
          <a class="links-tile" href="https://links.communitycenter.eu/index.php/List_of_Guidelines">
          <svg width="52" height="53" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" overflow="hidden"><defs><clipPath id="clip1"><rect x="749" y="282" width="52" height="53"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#clip1)" transform="translate(-749 -282)"><path d="M10.8333 4.44167 14.0833 4.44167 14.0833 47.6667 10.8333 47.6667Z" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1.01923 749 282)"/><path d="M36.2917 20.5833 21.125 20.5833 21.125 17.3333 36.2917 17.3333 36.2917 20.5833ZM33.0417 26 24.6458 26 24.6458 23.8333 33.0417 23.8333 33.0417 26ZM39 4.33333 16.25 4.44167 16.25 47.6667 39 47.6667C40.1917 47.6667 41.1667 46.6917 41.1667 45.5L41.1667 6.5C41.1667 5.30833 40.1917 4.33333 39 4.33333Z" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1.01923 749 282)"/></g></svg>
        <!-- PRODUCTS BEGIN -->
            <div class="links-tile-title">Guidelines</div>
        <div id="hp-products" class="container-fluid">
            <div class="row">
                <!-- LINK -->
                <div id="hp-feel-safe" class="col-12 col-lg-4">
                    <a class="hp-area grey" href="https://links.communitycenter.eu/index.php/Feel_Safe">
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                        <div class="hp-area-text">
                            <h3>Feel Safe</h3>
                            <!-- <p>Feel Safe.</p> -->
                <!-- LINK -->
                <div id="hp-handbook" class="col-12 col-lg-4">
                    <a class="hp-area grey" href="https://links.communitycenter.eu/index.php/Including_Citizens_Handbook_-_Accessibility">
                        <div class="hp-area-icon">
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                        <div class="hp-area-text">
                            <h3>Including Citizens Handbook</h3>
                            <!-- <p>Including Citizens Handbook.</p> -->
                <!-- LINK -->
                <div id="hp-wheel" class="col-12 col-lg-4">
                    <a class="hp-area grey" href="https://links.communitycenter.eu/index.php/Resilience_Wheel">
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                        <div class="hp-area-text">
                            <h3>Resilience Wheel</h3>
                            <!-- <p>Resilience Wheel.</p> -->
         <div class="col p-0">
        <!-- PRODUCTS END -->
          <a class="links-tile" href="https://links.communitycenter.eu/index.php/Disaster_risk_perception_and_vulnerability">
            <svg width="48" height="49" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" overflow="hidden"><defs><clipPath id="clip2"><rect x="553" y="282" width="48" height="49"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#clip2)" transform="translate(-553 -282)"><path d="M40 8.1C40 10.033 38.433 11.6 36.5 11.6 34.567 11.6 33 10.033 33 8.1 33 6.167 34.567 4.6 36.5 4.6 38.433 4.6 40 6.167 40 8.1Z" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1.02083 553 282)"/><path d="M15 8.1C15 10.033 13.433 11.6 11.5 11.6 9.567 11.6 8 10.033 8 8.1 8 6.167 9.567 4.6 11.5 4.6 13.433 4.6 15 6.167 15 8.1Z" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1.02083 553 282)"/><path d="M27.5 8.1C27.5 10.033 25.933 11.6 24 11.6 22.067 11.6 20.5 10.033 20.5 8.1 20.5 6.167 22.067 4.6 24 4.6 25.933 4.6 27.5 6.167 27.5 8.1Z" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1.02083 553 282)"/><path d="M32.9 24.4 30.65 16.1C30.55 15.8 30.4 15.5 30.2 15.3 29.25 14.3 28.05 13.55 26.75 13.1 25.9 12.8 25 12.65 24.05 12.65 23.1 12.65 22.2 12.8 21.35 13.1 20 13.55 18.85 14.3 17.9 15.3 17.7 15.55 17.55 15.8 17.45 16.1L15.2 24.4C15 25.2 15.4 26.1 16.25 26.3 16.4 26.35 16.5 26.35 16.65 26.35 17.3 26.35 17.9 25.9 18.1 25.25L20.1 17.95 20.1 43.4 23.1 43.4 23.1 29.1 25.1 29.1 25.1 43.35 28.1 43.35 28.1 17.95 30.1 25.25C30.3 25.9 30.9 26.35 31.55 26.35 31.7 26.35 31.8 26.35 31.95 26.3 32.65 26.1 33.1 25.2 32.9 24.4Z" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1.02083 553 282)"/><path d="M14.15 24.15 16.4 15.85C16.5 15.4 16.75 15 17 14.65 16.2 13.95 15.2 13.4 14.15 13.05 13.3 12.75 12.4 12.6 11.45 12.6 10.5 12.6 9.6 12.75 8.75 13.05 7.4 13.5 6.25 14.25 5.3 15.25 5.1 15.5 4.95 15.75 4.85 16.05L2.6 24.4C2.4 25.2 2.8 26.1 3.65 26.3 3.8 26.35 3.9 26.35 4.05 26.35 4.7 26.35 5.3 25.9 5.5 25.25L7.5 17.95 7.5 43.4 10.5 43.4 10.5 29.1 12.5 29.1 12.5 43.35 15.5 43.35 15.5 27.15C14.45 26.65 13.85 25.4 14.15 24.15Z" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1.02083 553 282)"/><path d="M45.4 24.4 43.1 16.1C43 15.8 42.85 15.5 42.65 15.3 41.7 14.3 40.5 13.55 39.2 13.1 38.35 12.8 37.45 12.65 36.5 12.65 35.55 12.65 34.65 12.8 33.8 13.1 32.75 13.45 31.8 14 30.95 14.7 31.25 15.05 31.45 15.45 31.55 15.85L33.8 24.15C34.15 25.4 33.5 26.65 32.45 27.15L32.45 43.4 35.45 43.4 35.45 29.1 37.45 29.1 37.45 43.35 40.45 43.35 40.45 17.95 42.45 25.25C42.65 25.9 43.25 26.35 43.9 26.35 44.05 26.35 44.15 26.35 44.3 26.3 45.15 26.1 45.6 25.2 45.4 24.4Z" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1.02083 553 282)"/></g></svg>
        <!-- COLLECTIONS BEGIN -->
            <div class="links-tile-title">Disaster Risk Perception and&nbsp;Vulnerability</div>
         <div id="hp-collections" class="container-fluid">
            <div class="row">
                <!-- LINK -->
                <div id="hp-resources" class="col-12 col-lg-6">
                    <a class="hp-area grey" href="https://links.communitycenter.eu/index.php/Helpful_resources">
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                        <div class="hp-area-text">
                            <h3>Collection of Helpful Resources</h3>
                            <p>Browse some interesting or&nbsp;relevant websites and&nbsp;apps.</p>
                <!-- LINK -->
                <div id="hp-networks" class="col-12 col-lg-6">
                    <a class="hp-area grey" href="https://links.communitycenter.eu/index.php/Overview_of_Networks">
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                        <div class="hp-area-text">
                            <h3>Collection of Networks</h3>
                            <p>Communities and&nbsp;interest groups relevant for&nbsp;the context of&nbsp;social media in&nbsp;disaster management. 0b</p>
         <!-- COLLECTIONS END -->
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572.03 557.034 572.03 557.096 570.862 558.018 569.879 559.185 569.879L559.185 569.879ZM554.883 578.545 554.883 576.885C554.883 576.578 555.068 576.209 555.314 576.025 555.928 575.595 556.666 575.226 557.403 575.042 557.956 574.857 558.571 574.796 559.185 574.796 559.8 574.796 560.415 574.919 560.968 575.042 561.705 575.226 562.443 575.595 563.057 576.086 563.303 576.271 563.487 576.64 563.487 576.947L563.487 578.606 554.883 578.545ZM565.516 598.58 559.8 598.58 559.8 597.474C559.8 597.228 559.923 597.044 560.107 596.921 560.537 596.614 561.029 596.368 561.521 596.245 561.89 596.122 562.32 596.06 562.689 596.06 563.057 596.06 563.487 596.122 563.856 596.245 564.348 596.368 564.778 596.614 565.208 596.921 565.393 597.044 565.516 597.29 565.516 597.474L565.516 598.58ZM561.214 594.278C561.214 593.479 561.828 592.865 562.627 592.865 563.426 592.865 564.041 593.479 564.041 594.278 564.041 595.077 563.426 595.692 562.627 595.692 561.89 595.753 561.275 595.077 561.214 594.278L561.214 594.278ZM566.13 592.557C565.331 591.758 564.225 591.267 563.119 591.144L561.582 581.925C563.057 581.433 564.348 580.511 565.27 579.282L570.985 582.294C570.064 584.752 570.248 587.518 571.477 589.853L566.13 592.557ZM572.153 580.02 566.499 577.07C566.745 576.271 566.868 575.472 566.868 574.611 566.868 573.014 566.376 571.477 565.454 570.186L572.338 563.487C574.673 564.901 577.746 564.225 579.159 561.89 579.344 561.582 579.467 561.275 579.59 560.968L585.305 561.582C585.428 563.795 586.534 565.884 588.317 567.236L583.277 576.64C579.282 575.042 574.673 576.455 572.153 580.02L572.153 580.02ZM582.601 582.294C582.601 583.769 581.372 584.936 579.897 584.936 578.422 584.936 577.254 583.769 577.254 582.294 577.254 580.819 578.422 579.651 579.897 579.651 579.897 579.651 579.897 579.651 579.958 579.651 581.433 579.651 582.601 580.819 582.601 582.294L582.601 582.294ZM585.244 590.345 574.611 590.345 574.611 588.317C574.611 587.886 574.796 587.518 575.165 587.272 575.964 586.719 576.824 586.289 577.746 585.981 578.483 585.797 579.221 585.674 579.958 585.674 580.696 585.674 581.433 585.797 582.171 585.981 583.093 586.227 584.015 586.657 584.752 587.272 585.059 587.518 585.305 587.948 585.305 588.317L585.244 590.345ZM593.971 577.07C593.971 577.439 594.032 577.807 594.155 578.176L588.501 581.126C587.825 579.774 586.78 578.668 585.551 577.807L590.591 568.404C591.39 568.711 592.25 568.834 593.11 568.834 593.602 568.834 594.094 568.773 594.585 568.711L596.183 573.014C594.708 573.874 593.909 575.41 593.971 577.07ZM601.776 579.528 596.06 579.528 596.06 578.422C596.06 578.176 596.183 577.992 596.368 577.869 596.798 577.561 597.29 577.316 597.781 577.193 598.15 577.07 598.58 577.008 598.949 577.008 599.318 577.008 599.748 577.07 600.117 577.193 600.608 577.316 601.039 577.561 601.469 577.869 601.653 577.992 601.776 578.237 601.776 578.422L601.776 579.528Z"/> </g> </svg >
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