From LINKS Community Center
Created: 22 September 2023
Last edited: 23 October 2023
Last edited: 23 October 2023
WebsitePublishing Organisation:
National Geographic SocietyLanguages
- English
- Earthquake
Disaster Management Phase
After, Before, During
Tremblors frequently strike around the world.
These suggestions drafted by Maya Wei-Haas will help you prepare for the next quake that might rattle your town.
The unpredictability of earthquakes is frightening, but with a little preparation, you can be ready if a big one strikes.
if you’re in a region prone to shaking, it’s best to be prepared. Here are some tips to keep you safe.
- Try to make your home as safe as possible.
- Investigate whether it complies with local building codes and identify potential weaknesses.
- The stuff inside your home is just as important as the walls themselves.
- Take a tour of each room to look for things that could fall or break if the ground starts to wobble.
- Sometimes this can be solved with a little reorganization, moving large or heavy objects to lower shelves.
- Other times fixing issues takes a bit more handiwork, such as bolting bookcases to wall studs, installing latches on cupboards, and securing any large appliances like water heaters.
- Take a tour of each room to look for things that could fall or break if the ground starts to wobble.
- Make sure you know how to shut off your utilities.
- Check out the connections of gas appliances; it’s best if these are flexible rather than rigid so they can bend with the rolling ground.
- Assemble an earthquake emergency kit that includes food, water, and other supplies for at least 72 hours.
- When preparing your kit, consider each member of your family and their needs—and don’t forget your pets. The Department of Homeland Security has a detailed guide about putting together a kit for many different contingencies.
- Protect yourself as quickly as possible.
- In many situations that means remembering three actions: drop, cover, and hold.
- Drop:
- Get down on your hands and knees to protect yourself from being knocked over.
- That also puts you in an ideal position to crawl for shelter.
- Get down on your hands and knees to protect yourself from being knocked over.
- Cover:
- Place an arm and hand over your head and neck to shield them from debris.
- Head for any nearby tables to shelter under until the shaking stops.
- If a table isn’t in sight, sidle up to one of your home’s interior walls away from tall objects and furniture that might topple.
- Hold:
- Stay put until the shaking stops.
- If you’re under a shelter like a table, keep hold of it with one hand. * If you’re out in the open, continue to shield your head and neck with your arms.
- When the ground starts to roll under your feet, resist the temptation to run outside.
- Instead, take cover in place. But if you are already outdoors, stay outside and move away from buildings and power lines.
- If you are driving, pull off the road.
- But do not stop under an overpass or other structure that could crash down.
- f you are on a coast when a strong earthquake strikes, get to higher ground as soon as you can.
- While tsunami warning systems can help give some notice, it’s often too risky to wait for the alert to get to high ground.
- Even after the ground grows still, the danger is not necessarily over.
- As the Earth settles from its trembling it can produce a series of smaller quakes known as aftershocks.
- On rare occasions, a second earthquake that’s even bigger than the first might follow.
- Once the shaking subsides it’s time to start getting yourself and others ready for more.
- First, check for injuries.
- Sometimes people won’t initially feel pain because of the adrenaline that courses through the body during life-threatening events.
- Next, check the gas and electric lines, and turn them off if you can do so safely.
- If you are inside a heavily damaged structure, get yourself and others out as soon as possible.
- If you’re trapped, stay calm.
- Protect your mouth, nose, and eyes from the dust and call or text for help.
- Make noise by whistling or shouting to get responders’ attention.
- If you are outside, keep an eye out for hazards like fallen electrical lines, ruptured gas pipes, or precarious structures.
- Turn on the radio and listen for updates.
- Heed warnings and instructions from official organizations and be careful about what you see shared on social media.
- Falsehoods spread like wildfire in emergency situations.
- Let your family and friends know all is well on an appropriate website or Social media platform
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